Laptops, tablets and personal computers have joined the list of products that need a license to enter India. While the government did not cite any reason for last week’s surprise move, experts believe it was done to nudge companies to make in India. And it came days after the PLI scheme for hardware failed to find any taker. So in today’s first segment, Bhaswar Kumar explores the likely impact of curbs imposed on laptop imports. 

Another government move that has been in the news for a while is the tabling of the data protection bill in Parliament. The revised draft comes with some changes, and it retains some provisions which privacy experts had red-flagged. So what are the key takeaways in the new avatar of the long-awaited data protection bill? Are there any gaps? 

Data protection is a common thread that runs through both the government moves — the tabling of data protection bill and import curbs on laptop and personal computers. While global players are apparently not happy, there has been a euphoric rally on the bourses in shares of local manufacturers of related items. But, analysts advise investors to wait and watch before jumping the gun.

Stocks of most online gaming companies, meanwhile, are still reeling under the shock due to the government’s move to levy 28% GST on face value of the bets. But most of us are still trying to get head around the taxations in the sector? Listen to this episode of the podcast to know more. 

First Published: Aug 07 2023 | 8:00 AM IST